Milton Christmas Parade

12/7 - Milton Christmas Parade starts @ 7:00 p.m. Line up on Behringer St. approximately 6:30 p.m. (Light food and refreshments served at lodge afterwards along with a quick breakdown...

Regular Stated Communication

12/8 - Regular Stated Communication. Dinner served @ 6:30 after prayers offered, gavel drops @ 7:30 p.m. SW James Carle will sit as WM. Masonic casual attire.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

12/10 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing @ Food Lion, Milton. Volunteers (4) needed to fill remaining 2 hour slots, *see times listed below, sign-up at the Lodge.

Past Master Meeting

 Past Masters Meeting - 6 p.m. (Grand Lodge nominations). Officers Practice 6:30 p.m. (Visitation / MM Advanced Chairs).

Lodge Committee Meetings

1/5 - Committee Meetings - 6 p.m. (All committees to attend at this time for updates, please).

Delaware #37 – Grand Visitation

1/10 - Delaware #37 - Grand Visitation. Location - Frankford Firehouse, 7 Main St. Frankford, DE 19945. Social Hour - 5pm, Dinner - 6 p.m., Catered by Haas on the...

Shield and Square Degree – MM

1/26 - Shield and Square Degree - Dinner at 6:00pm , Gavel Drops at 7:00 , Masonic attire (Brethren: Suit/Tie - Officers: Tux).

Polar Bear Plunge 2023

2/4 - Polar Bear Plunge 2023. Location - Rehoboth Beach. Bears plunge at 1:00 p.m. The Grand Master & Staff will be supporting the Special Olympics of Delaware, and have...

Regular Scheduled Communication

2/7 - Regular Scheduled Communication. *NOTE DATE CHANGE* Dispensation granted to move the RSC date to 2/7 so that Endeavor Brethren can attend Temple #9 Grand Visitation on 2/9. Dinner...

Grand Visitation Temple #9

2/9 - Grand Visitation Temple #9, Milford. Mardi Gras theme. Dinner served 6:30 p.m. at the Milford Senior Center, gavel drops 7:30 at the Lodge.

Endeavor Lodge #17 Grand Visitation

1/12/23 - Endeavor Lodge #17 Grand Visitation @ Milton Fire Hall. Catered Dinner by Bethany Blues BBQ. Ladies included, special wine-tasting event as planned activity. Tickets $40. each and available...