Grand Lodge Family Picnic – July 30th
Grand Lodge Family Picnic - July 30th 11:00a.m. - 4:00p.m @ Killens Pond State Park. Let’s capture the Gavel for Endeavor Lodge #17!
Milton Delaware AF&AM
Grand Lodge Family Picnic - July 30th 11:00a.m. - 4:00p.m @ Killens Pond State Park. Let’s capture the Gavel for Endeavor Lodge #17!
Committee Meeting- Tuesday August 2nd @ 6p.m. This meeting is to help all the brethren exchange ideas, plan, and delegate actions to ensure a successful year ahead. Anticipate 1hr only. I encourage those who have ideas, questions, and/or plans to have them in writing to best execute a timely meeting. 1st Floor Fellowship room.
Date: Saturday August 27, 2022 Time: 4pm to 8 pm Location: 24 Maple Dale Rd. Dover, DE 19904 Rain location - The Lodge. Hot dogs, burgers, buns, plates, silver, paper products, and soft drinks will be provided
Past Masters meeting - Thursday, September 1st @6:00 p.m. WM Drummond would like the guidance and consideration by the PM’s for issues and events facing the Lodge in the upcoming Masonic year.
Regular Stated Communication - Thursday, September 8th @7:30 p.m. Masonic attire. Brother Bring A Friend - "Quality over Quantity" September 20th, Tuesday @ 6:00 p.m. Masons and Guests are urged to wear suit and tie for this event.
Tickets $40. each, includes game admission, parking and tailgating at the football game. Ticket deadline is 9/13 and must be purchased in advance.
Fellowcraft Degree - September 22nd @ 7p.m. Masonic attire. EA David Smith will be passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft.
Benefits the George Washington National Masonic Memorial. Indian River Vol. Fire Co., 32628 Oak Orchard Rd., Millsboro, DE. Cost $10. Adults, $5 Children under 5. For tickets, contact Bro. JB Mitchell 302-462-5229.
9th Annual GrandMaster’s Charity Ride - Saturday, September 24th @ 9:00 a.m. Police- escorted motorcycle ride starts at Arena’s Restaurant in Georgetown. All proceeds benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children.
10/3 - Grand Lodge Annual Communication @ 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Sands Hotel, Rehoboth Beach, DE.
SAVE THE DATE The installation of the Grand Master and the staff of the Grand Lodge of Delaware for the 2022-2023 Masonic year DATE: Thursday,October 6,2022 Time: 7:00pm,Installation Place: Clayton Fire Hall 300 East Street Clayton, DE Following the installation, there will be light refreshments and a cash bar
10/13 - Regular Stated Communication @ 7:30 p.m. with Dinner served at 6:30 after prayers offered. Masonic Attire.