Grand Lodge Installation

SAVE THE DATE The installation of the Grand Master and the staff of the Grand Lodge of Delaware for the 2022-2023 Masonic year DATE: Thursday,October 6,2022 Time: 7:00pm,Installation Place: Clayton Fire Hall 300 East Street Clayton, DE Following the installation, there will be light refreshments and a cash bar  

Regular Stated Communication

10/13 - Regular Stated Communication @ 7:30 p.m. with Dinner served at 6:30 after prayers offered. Masonic Attire.

Endeavor Lodge Annual Clay Shoot at Owen Station

Come Join us at Owen Station at Owen Station Registration starts at 9:00, 2613 Road 602 | Greenwood, DE 19950 Prizes include Cash & Gift Cards! • BBQ Lunch • • 50/50 Raffles! • Lady & Youth Prizes! • • Long Bird Game, Cash Prize!

District 3 Grand Visitation at Jefferson #15

District 3 Grand Visitation at Jefferson #15. Lewes. Irish Eyes. Social 5:00, dinner at 6:00 p.m. Dinner tickets $50. Gavel drops 7:30 at Lodge. 

Regular Stated Communication

 Regular Stated Communication. Masonic attire. Dinner at 6:30, gavel drops at 7:30 p.m. *After RSC, all Grand Lodge voting members should stay (PM’s & Wardens) to vote on Grand Lodge elections.

District 3 Grand Visitation at Hope #4

District 3 Grand Visitation at Hope #4, Laurel Fire Dept. Dinner at 6:30 with Meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m. Dinner tickets $35. 

Scottish Rite Reunion #2.

Scottish Rite Reunion #2. The 22 Degree presented live and the 24 Degree presented on video. Grand Opera House, Wilmington. 9:00 

Scottish Rite VOLD (Valley of Lower De) Mixer

Scottish Rite VOLD (Valley of Lower De) Mixer. Park Place Restaurant, Milford. 7 until 9 p.m. $10. per person, Ladies invited. Brothers that bring a new Scottish Rite candidate are admitted FREE! 

Grand Visitation @ Washington #1

12/1 - Grand Visitation @ Washington #1, Wilmington. WM Billy Thompson invites all Endeavor Brothers to come out in support of Washington #1’s Grand Visitation. Gavel drops @ 7:30 p.m. at the Brandywine Masonic Temple, 2016 Foulk Rd., Wilmington, 19810.