9th Annual GrandMaster’s Charity Ride

9th Annual GrandMaster’s Charity Ride - Saturday, September 24th @ 9:00 a.m. Police- escorted motorcycle ride starts at Arena’s Restaurant in Georgetown. All proceeds benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. 

Grand Lodge Installation

SAVE THE DATE The installation of the Grand Master and the staff of the Grand Lodge of Delaware for the 2022-2023 Masonic year DATE: Thursday,October 6,2022 Time: 7:00pm,Installation Place: Clayton Fire Hall 300 East Street Clayton, DE Following the installation, there will be light refreshments and a cash bar  

Regular Stated Communication

10/13 - Regular Stated Communication @ 7:30 p.m. with Dinner served at 6:30 after prayers offered. Masonic Attire.

Endeavor Lodge Annual Clay Shoot at Owen Station

Come Join us at Owen Station at Owen Station Registration starts at 9:00, 2613 Road 602 | Greenwood, DE 19950 Prizes include Cash & Gift Cards! • BBQ Lunch • • 50/50 Raffles! • Lady & Youth Prizes! • • Long Bird Game, Cash Prize!

District 3 Grand Visitation at Jefferson #15

District 3 Grand Visitation at Jefferson #15. Lewes. Irish Eyes. Social 5:00, dinner at 6:00 p.m. Dinner tickets $50. Gavel drops 7:30 at Lodge. 

Regular Stated Communication

 Regular Stated Communication. Masonic attire. Dinner at 6:30, gavel drops at 7:30 p.m. *After RSC, all Grand Lodge voting members should stay (PM’s & Wardens) to vote on Grand Lodge elections.

District 3 Grand Visitation at Hope #4

District 3 Grand Visitation at Hope #4, Laurel Fire Dept. Dinner at 6:30 with Meeting to follow at 7:30 p.m. Dinner tickets $35. 

Scottish Rite Reunion #2.

Scottish Rite Reunion #2. The 22 Degree presented live and the 24 Degree presented on video. Grand Opera House, Wilmington. 9:00