Masonic Brotherhood Day at Del State

Masonic Brotherhood Day at Del State. A day to join with our Prince Hall Brethren at a Del State University football game. Ticket package will include parking, game admission, tailgating before and after game, and some surprises. Ticket packages will go on sale soon. Email Gary Laing at

Grand Lodge 218th Annual Communication

 Grand Lodge 218th Annual Communication. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Atlantic Sands, Rehoboth. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and Grand Lodge opens promptly at 9:00.

Regular Stated Communication

 Regular Stated Communication. Masonic attire (Officers - tux, Brothers - suit & tie). Dinner 6:30, Gavel drops 7:30 p.m.

Union #7 Outdoor Degree

 Union #7 Outdoor Degree, 10:30 a.m., Al Johnson’s Farm, Magnolia, DE. 8 a.m. donuts, coffee, Master Masons only, Lodge opens 10 a.m., Contact Curt Cole 302-242-8266.

Masonic Night Out at Jimmy’s Grill

SW at 392-542-9783 if you are able to come to Masonic Night Out at Jimmy’s Grill Dewey Beach this Friday 6pm so I can warn the restaurant.

Masonic Night Out

Masonic Night Out - Fellowship with Brothers & Ladies, 6:00 p.m. See Poster in Events page

Scottish Rite Reunion #1

Scottish Rite Reunion #1. Wilmington. Grand Opera House. 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon. (VOLD) will be presenting the 14th live, and the 10th & 11th Degrees on video.

Low Country Boil

Low Country Boil - All you can eat seafood country boil. Tickets $30. person, Victory #15 OES, at the Dover Masonic Lodge, Dover. See Poster in Events page

Grand Visitation Jefferson #15

11/1 - Grand Visitation Jefferson #15, Hopkins Farm, 30249 Fisher Road, Lewes. 5:30 social, dinner to follow. Masonic attire, ladies invited.

Special communication – EA Degrees

Endeavor Lodge 17 will confer 2 Enter Apprentice degrees Thursday, 2 November Gavel drops 7pm Light food and refreshments 6pm Take due notice and govern yourselfs accordingly.