Masonic Service Day at Goshen Church in Milton
Sunday November 21st- Masonic Service Day at Goshen Church in Milton. Services begin at 10:00 am.
Milton Delaware AF&AM
Sunday November 21st- Masonic Service Day at Goshen Church in Milton. Services begin at 10:00 am.
Join us at the Milton Fire Hall for Endeavor Lodge #17 Holiday Dinner on Sunday, December 5, at 2:00 p.m. Please bring a covered dish. All are invited for this family event. Dress is business casual. P.M. Jim Coulbourne will be at the Fire Hall at 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning to set up and he...
Regular Stated Communication
Dec. 11 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Food Lion. 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. We still need volunteers for 2 hour shifts. Sign up sheet in the Lodge.
Demolay Pancake Breakfast Jefferson Lodge @ 9:00
WM Rockle has asked that if any Brothers from Endeavor #17 are able to attend this service on Friday, Dec. 17, he would like to see them there at 10:45 a.m. to walk in together with all attending Masons. Masks may be required. Distinguished Masonic Leaders All, I have received some preliminary information...
Master Mason Degree, 2nd half to be performed by Past Masters. Masonic Attire. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Gavel drops at 7:00 pm
Cancelled due to COVID Restrictions , Review Edict 21-22-1 for details and instructions Grand Visitation Milton Fire Department. Social Hour starts at 5:30 Dinner at 6:30. Gavel Drops at 7:30. There will be craft activities for the ladies while the meeting is taking place.
Fellowcraft Degree, Business Casual with Lodge shirts and Khakis for officers. Dinner at 6:00 pm, Gavel drops at 7:00 pm. Update - 1/25 "The fellowcraft degree scheduled for this Thursday night at Endeavor Lodge is cancelled due to illness. You will be notified when a new date is set."
Postponed due to COVID, New Date TBD Entered Apprentice Degree Business casual Attire. Dinner at 6:00 PM Gavel Drops at 7:00 PM.
February 10th Regular Communication Business Casual Attire, Dinner at 6:30pm, Gavel drops at 7:30 pm.
Business Casual Attire, Dinner at 6:00 pm, gavel drops at 7:00 pm.