Flag Placement at Veterans Cemetery in Bear, DE

This Friday, October 30th, our Masonic Family will once again meet at the Delaware Veterans Cemetery to place flags on the graves of our many veterans, beginning at 8:30am. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, there will not be any coffee and donuts prior.  All of our lodges and our Appendant & Concordant Bodies are welcome to...

Regular Stated Communication – Cancelled : Camo Night

Camouflage Attire Night. 7:30 p.m.   Brethren, After the Grand Visitation to Delaware #37 on 11/10/20, the Grand Master was informed the next morning that a brother in attendance has tested positive for COVID-19.  There were several brothers from Endeavor Lodge in attendance that evening, including myself.  Therefore, I have decided to ere on the...

“Mountaire Farms Thanksgiving for Thousands” – 11/23

One of the charitable events Most Worshipful Jeffrey D. Haass, Sr. has chosen to take part in this year is the “Mountaire Farms Thanksgiving for Thousands”. He is asking the Lodges to participate along with him and Grand Lady Lisa in this event. We are scheduled on November 23, 2020 from 10:00 AM – 1:00...

Help in delivering poinsettias to our Widows

On Sat. Dec. 5th, Past Master Jimmy Coulbourne is asking for any available brothers to meet at the Lodge at 10:00 a.m. to help in delivering poinsettias to our Widows