Henlopen Chapter of DeMolay Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Jefferson Lodge #15 Lewes DE $8.00 per person
Milton Delaware AF&AM
Jefferson Lodge #15 Lewes DE $8.00 per person
Come and earn your advancement while expanding your Masonic Knowledge
Officers are urged to attend and all MMs are invited to come and learn the ritual
Dinner served @ 6:30pm Gavel Drops @ 7:30pm Masonic attire
Come and earn your advancement while expanding your Masonic Knowledge
Milford Lanes, Milford DE
Come and earn your advancement while expanding your Masonic Knowledge
Grand Visitation for Temple #9 Milford DE
Endeavor Lodge Light Dinner @ 6:15 Business meeting @ 7:00
Light Dinner @ 6:00 Gravel drops @ 7:00 Officers in Tuxedos All other Business Casual
Union Lodge #7