Regular Scheduled Communication

2/7 - Regular Scheduled Communication. *NOTE DATE CHANGE* Dispensation granted to move the RSC date to 2/7 so that Endeavor Brethren can attend Temple #9 Grand Visitation on 2/9. Dinner at 6:30, gavel drops at 7:30 p.m. Masonic attire (Officers tux, Brethren coat & tie).

Grand Visitation Temple #9

2/9 - Grand Visitation Temple #9, Milford. Mardi Gras theme. Dinner served 6:30 p.m. at the Milford Senior Center, gavel drops 7:30 at the Lodge.

Endeavor Lodge #17 Grand Visitation

1/12/23 - Endeavor Lodge #17 Grand Visitation @ Milton Fire Hall. Catered Dinner by Bethany Blues BBQ. Ladies included, special wine-tasting event as planned activity. Tickets $40. each and available for purchase from any Officer.

Special Communication – EA Degree

2/28 - Special Communication. EA Denny Rayne will be passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft. Dinner at 6:00 p.m., gavel drops at 7:00 p.m. Masonic attire (Officers tux, Brethren coat & tie).

Senior Officer Training Workshops

3/4 - Senior Officer Training Workshops. 9AM – Noon. Mandatory for ALL senior officers in order to advance in the chairs. Coffee & donuts @ 8AM. Union Lodge #7 1478 Wyoming Mill Rd, Dover.

Regular Stated Communication

3/9 - Regular Stated Communication. Dinner at 6:30 p.m., gavel drops at 7:30. Masonic attire (Officers - tux, Brothers - jacket & tie).  Dinner at 6:30 p.m., gavel drops at 7:30.

Statewide Ritual Workshops

3/18 - Statewide Ritual Workshops. 9AM – Noon. All Lodge Officers are encouraged to attend. These sessions are also open to all Master Masons. Coffee & donuts @ 8 a.m. Union Lodge #7 1478 Wyoming Mill Rd, Dover.

Semi-Annual Communication

3/25 - Semi-Annual Communication. NUR Shrine Temple, 198 S. Dupont Hwy., New Castle. Registration opens at 8:00, Meeting convenes at 9:00 a.m.

Grand Visitation

Grand Visitation. The Lower Delaware Shield and Square Club, along with the Delaware Colonials, the Masonic Brotherhood Riders Southern Chapter, Evergreen Forest No. 49 and Brandywine Forest No. 20 Tall Cedars of Lebanon would like to invite all Master Masons and their ladies to attend our annual Grand Staff Visitation on Tuesday, April 4, 2023,...