This Edict is effective immediately and will continue through February 18th
EDICT No. 21-22-1
WHEREAS, the health, safety, and well-being of our members, their loved ones, and our communities is of paramount concern; and
WHEREAS, our country, our states, and the world continue to be faced with the spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and now the new Omicron variant; and
WHEREAS, we are all aware of how contagious this Omicron variant is; and
WHEREAS, it is currently estimated that 1 in 4 Delawareans are currently infected and that many more Delawareans may be asymptomatic and silently contagious; and
WHEREAS, the spread of this virus continues to touch virtually all facets of our work and social life, including community events, business events, sporting events and our masonic events; and
WHEREAS, your Grand Master and the Grand Lodge office have received numerous calls to report that many of our brethren, family members, and Grand Staff have tested positive for the Coronavirus and are experiencing symptoms; and
WHEREAS, it may be disappointing for me to take steps to alter the way that we carry out our many masonic activities and events, I strongly feel that measures must be taken out of an abundance of caution, to safeguard the well-being of our brethren, their loved ones, and our communities.
Now, therefore, I, Most Worshipful Jeffrey D. Haass, Sr., pursuant to the power and authority vested in me as Grand Master of Masons in Delaware, do hereby direct and order, Effective Immediately, and to continue until February 18, 2022, as follows:
- Face masks shall be “properly worn” (regardless of vaccination status) at all times while indoors (except while eating), including while socially distancing.
- Six (6) foot “Social Distancing” shall be maintained and managed (members of the same household exempted).
Edict 21-22-1
January 10, 2022
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- Seating in lodge rooms and social areas, must be readjusted for the 6ft. Social Distancing requirement. Table distancing and seating arrangements in banquet and social halls should be readjusted to maintain the social distancing requirements.
- Our traditional handshakes and “Masonic Brotherly Hugs” must be avoided, and a “Fist Bump or Elbow Bump” used in its place.
- Pre-Meeting dinners and After-Meeting refreshments may continue, as long as social distancing is maintained and Food Service Restrictions as stated below are maintained.
- Food Service Restrictions: There can be no self-serve food service; all food must be served by dedicated servers. No person, other than the server, shall touch any serving spoons, and serving staff members should be dedicated to a particular serving spoon(s). Social Distancing in any buffet line must be maintained (lodge responsibility).
- If you are moving your venue to a place other that your lodge hall, it is the responsibility of the lodge to ensure that the chosen venue is following the proper protocol and is adhering to the restrictions herein referred to.
- Degree work may continue as long as steps are taken to protect the health of the participants, ie: properly worn face masks on all, surgical gloves on the candidate and anyone who may come in contact with any type of “grips”, hand sanitizer readily available, etc. There are many ways to protect each other during a degree conferral.
- Sanitization steps must continue (or be reestablished) for all surfaces that are typically touched (ie: door knobs, chair arms, desks, gavels, columns, surfaces of doors where people normally push on the door, tables, chairs, rest rooms, etc).
- ALL VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS should continue to avoid gatherings. Be sure to remind all of your members who do not feel well, are sick, running a fever, or who may have any COVID symptoms, to stay home. If any member/guest is uncomfortable attending a meeting or event, they should be encouraged to stay at home.
- You are again reminded that our Worshipful Masters and the various leaders of our Appendant & Concordant Bodies have the final say when deciding on any “Masonic Activities”, including Stated Communications; if you do not feel safe in holding a masonic activity due to this COVID-19 situation, and you feel that you need to cancel/postpone, our leadership has every right and obligation to do just that. Note: All Brethren and Membership (and the Grand Secretary’s Office) must be notified with Due and Timely Notification if a COVID related situation requires the cancelling/rescheduling of any Stated Communication.
- I would urge the Worshipful Masters of our lodges that have very limited seating capacity in their lodge “Blue Rooms”, to consider asking one of our larger lodges if you can use their lodge room for one or more of your meetings during these restricted times. This may allow you to have a meeting that you might not otherwise be able to have as a result of the 6 ft. Social Distancing restriction.
Edict 21-22-1
January 10, 2022
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- Private Functions booked/scheduled to be held in any Masonic Hall are to be handled by the individual Hall Company. Hall Companies are strongly encouraged to follow the most conservative guidelines available from leading global and local health authorities such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as related to the proper steps to help control the spread of this Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its variants. Always abide by national, state, and local gathering restrictions, as directed by the President and/or the Governor of the State of Delaware.
I know that this situation with this nasty Coronavirus (COVID-19) and all of its variants is extremely frustrating for all of us, but we must continue to be aware of our responsibility to do everything we can to ensure the safety of our members, our guests, and our families.
Again, please be reminded that this is a time for us to pay particular attention to our brethren who may be in need and who may require assistance. If you are worried about a fellow member or his family, please keep in contact with them via telephone, text, or email. Let us remember our masonic obligations to relieve the distressed, and to aid with the health and welfare of our fellow brothers. Please keep an eye on each other and be ready to exercise our masonic benevolence where and when we are able . . . and “Be a Cut Above”
Brethren, I cannot stress enough, just how serious and harmful this Coronavirus (COVID-19), and its variants, has been and will continue to be, if we don’t follow the guidelines and listen to good science. As Freemasons, in the First State, we must set the example and “Be That Cut Above” to do our part in helping to stop the spread of this awful virus.
In Conclusion, I Order and Direct This Edict to be distributed to all of our members as expeditiously as possible, including the membership of our Appendant & Concordant Bodies. Additionally, this Edict shall be entered in full upon the Minutes of the Lodge, Appendant or Concordant Body thereof, during the next allowable Stated Communication of the Lodge, Appendant or Concordant Body.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Grand Lodge of Delaware this 10th day of January 2022 AD, 6022 AL.
M∴W∴ Jeffrey D. Haass, Sr. Grand Master
M∴W∴ Glenn F. Davis, Sr., PGM
Grand Secretary